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Jamal Ansari

Write a comprehensive yet concise plan

Many entrepreneurs may think that writing a business plan is a tedious task and that it should be hundreds of pages long. On the contrary, it should be concise but provide all the information relevant to the valuation of the company. While there are no hard and fast rules for writing an effective business plan, it should demonstrate that you have the motivation and the know-how, skills and confidence to lead. well your project.

Here are the main things you should include:

Description of your project

Indicate precisely who your customers are, the industry of your company, what it sells, and your plans for growth.

Your unique selling point

Explain why customers should buy your product or service. What more can your business, product or service offer customers?

Analysis of your target market

Show the lender that you are well prepared. Market research will help you understand your customers' needs and provide them with a product or service that actually meets them. Provide information on your target market, demographics of your customers, and information on the competition and your distribution methods.

Key competitive intelligence

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of your competition and indicate how your product or service will be better than theirs.

Organizational structure

Use organizational charts that clearly indicate the roles of key leaders and the expected size of your business.

Human resource requirements

Indicate how you plan to recruit and retain your employees or use subcontracting.

Premises and equipment

Evaluate the company's needs in terms of premises and capital goods (equipment, technological tools).

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