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To send an email with your AOL email account, all you have to do is send an email message to the receiver's mail address. For instance, if you want to send a message to your son or daughter, send a message to their Aol email address. Then, click on the Message option and then send your message. In addition, you can also send a message to anyone else with the help of their Aol email ID.

Some providers of online mail facilities are offering different methods to access codes. For instance, yahoo mail offers a facility called yahoo access code where you can type in the number that you want to check. Yahoo will automatically display your personal number on the message that you send. If the number you type in is blocked, the message that you send will not be delivered to the receiver.

If you're using MSN email services, there are different ways to get your AOL email code. MSN offers a 'My Account' feature where you can type in the email address of your friend and see all the messages sent to them on MSN. There are also other email services such as Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, Gmail, etc. that are offering similar facilities.

With any AOL email service, you will need to provide the email address of the person to whom you want to send a message. You just have to click on the 'send email' option and then enter the email address of the person to whom you wish to send the message. When you're sending mail using AOL email, you may have to insert special characters in order to customize the message. The special characters are called quote marks or enclosed quotations. You may also insert special characters in order to access special features and functions on AOL email systems.

Also read this: https://emailscrunch.com/aol-mail-is-not-working-on-iphone/

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