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The Social Democrats, the leading ruling party ofSLOTSweden issued a statement confirming the historic decision to become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO After more than 200 years of adhering to a military neutrality policy,

The statement stated that An official application to join NATO will be submitted in the coming days. after receiving overwhelming support from the people Most of the opposition parties also agreed.

However, the policies of the Social Democrats this time It does not support the deployment of nuclear weapons. or giving NATO domestic space to establish a military base is strictly prohibited.

last week Finland, a former neighbor of Sweden, was a military neutral. has announced that he will join NATO as well Previously, Russia had threatened both countries to "Tactical countermeasures" if joining NATO.

"For our Social Democrats It is clear that not being a member of any military coalition has always been a viable policy. But we see that this policy will not bring the same benefits in the future. Sweden will be at risk of danger. If it is the only country in the Baltic region that does not join NATO,” the Swedish leader said.

Sweden and Finland are both fearful of the threat from Russia. which showed more aggressive aggression towards its neighbors in the European region After the opening of the war of invasion of Ukraine Finland has 1,300 km of land borders with Russia, while Sweden has a maritime border with Russian waters in the Baltic Sea.

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