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Sorafina is a formulation of anti-cancer therapy, sorafenib. It is available only by a prescription with a strength of 200mg as tablets. sorafina sorafenib is indicated for use in individuals with kidney cancer. It may also help in treating thyroid cancer and liver cancer. Its adverse effects usually include irregular vaginal bleeding, bruising, and fever. Get a discounted Sorafenib price on Magicine Pharma. Buy online at a 38% discount.

Sorafenib tablet

Sorafina is an anti-cancer formulation that comprises sorafenib. It is used in the treatment of tumors of the kidney and liver. The medication may also help treat and manage certain thyroid cancers. It is available as tablets (200mg) indicated for oral administration. You can enquire about the availability and sorafenib tablet on Magicine Pharma. Easy payment options and discounts are also available.

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