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John Downe

Music Appreciation
Flash cards (10)
from which older genre did the symphony evolve?
the italian opera overture
percussion is absent from the second movement of haydn"s symphony no 100. t/f
the classical symphony orchestra typically featured some woodwind and brass instruments along with strings. t/f
the classical- era orchestra is typically composed of _______.
30- 40 players
the composer of the london symphonies was:
joseph haydn
the heart of the classical orchestra was the _______.
string section
the meter heard throughout the second movement of hand's symphony no 100 is triple meter. t/f
he second movement of haydn's symphony no 100 was composed in sonata- allegro form. t/f
theme and variation was a typical from for the second movement of a symphony. t/f
which of the following is not a contribution to the symphony of the german classical symphonists?
the use of melodies

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