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by on March 10, 2022

That's not the point and the fact that I lost control over my account is what matters OSRS Gold. At the time, my attention was towards games like World of Warcraft, and therefore, I was not motivated to invest the time and effort to restore my account. So, I didn't. I gave it to the hacker.

A little over six years later, more commonly referred to as last week, I decided to reinvestigate Runescape and to examine what has changed since I last played it in 2007. In addition, I made the decision to make my account recoverable; an easy task given that I had ample evidence of the first two seasons of this account.

After just a couple of emails Jagex decided I was the owner of the account. When I left off my account, it was not impressive, it contained only a few million dollars, a few pieces of barrows armour and other weapons and pieces of armour along with a large bank packed with things to do and quests, with intermediate level stats that ranged from the levels of 40 to 90.

As I was logging in my email on my account, preparing recovery questions, and the JAG guardian thingthat writes new passwords, I was thinking about the way my account might appear like once I logged into it Buy OSRS Accounts. What I expected was to see nothing at all, actually. Similar statistics, but with a empty bank filled with what I thought would have been Gp-sellers.

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