Looking for the old Kontakan site? It has been moved to Berkada.com.

by on August 8, 2022

At The Forlorn Camp Triport walk towards the west to the west of camp Lost Ark Gold. Then walk between the tent and the cart that is broken, all the way to the wooden boxes. The third mokoko is located on the ground in the bush just in the front of the boxes.

Mokoko Seeds Four To Six - North Of Forlorn Camp

Get out of the camp and go towards the north of the region you enter into. To the left of the huge bone-like structure, which is located at the most northerly point, go around to the left. The next mokoko seed is right there right in front of you. From here, walk along the western route, and continue north to the next part of the area. Stay to the eastern side when you go north, and you'll arrive at the next plant. It's mostly hidden by the rocks that line the east wall, and to the left of the dead tree.

Take this section off the northern route and go to the north as far as you can within the next vast space. Near the northern end there is a narrow path that leads east , up a few steps and then south. Follow this path until the end, passing the "Ruined Fortress" vista and you'll find the sixth mokoko seeds of Borea's Domain. It's located at the end of the path, to right of the tree.

Mokoko Seed Seven - South Of Galatur's Forge

Go west, then south to the Galatur's Forge Triport. Stay on the east part of the area. follow the wall as it moves towards the east. Then, stay towards the northern part of the zone. After passing a torch that is lit and you'll find a broken cart Lost Ark Gold for sale. The next seed will be right next to the cart within the grass. It's likely that you'll have to fight an Aragus in order to reach it that has around 10.000 health.

Posted in: Entertainment
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